The specific application we are running is "PeopleViewer" - a WPF application that uses a dynamically-loaded SQL data reader.
Setting the Working Directory in Visual Studio Code These branches will be noted when code is shown. To make things more interesting, some of the code samples use the "master" branch, and some use the "UsingWorkingDirectory" branch. We are specifically using the completed/04-DynamicLoading-Plugin folder. The code for this article is available on GitHub: jeremybytes-understanding-interfaces-core30. In Visual Studio Code, you can change the debugger / runner working directory in the "launch.json" file. And that's just what the last article showed. The result is that an application that relies on the "current working directory" to find files will fail in strange ways. The Visual Studio Code debugger uses the project directory.The Visual Studio 2019 debugger uses the executable directory.The issue stems from the fact that Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio 2019 use different default values for "working directory" when debugging. In the last article, I showed what appeared to be a bug in the Visual Studio Code debugger and the.